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This report, submitted to the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) of the Global Alliance of NHRIs on 1 June 2024, provides a careful and comprehensive assessment of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) in light of the Paris Principles.

The report was submitted in view of the re-accreditation of the NCHR by the SCA, which is scheduled to take place during the SCA's session in September-October 2024.

After analysis, we find that the NCHR has failed to address the issues raised in our June 2023 report and by the SCA in its Report and Recommendations of the September-October 2023 Session of the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) (hereinafter referred to as the "September-October 2023 Report").

We reiterate our concern that the work of the NHRC, as exemplified in its public statements and reports to the UN human rights mechanisms, clearly demonstrates that the institution has become a "showcase" for a government public relations campaign rather than an impartial and independent human rights institution.

We conclude that the NHRC does not meet the requirements to be granted status A and should instead be granted status B until its serious deficiencies are effectively addressed.

National Human Rights Institution