On 30 October 2024, Alkarama submitted an urgent complaint to the Working Group on Business and Human Rights copying other concerned mandate holders regarding FIFA’s expedited bidding process for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s bid to host the 2034 FIFA World Cup.
In its appeal, Alkarama raised serious human rights concerns arising from FIFA’s handling of the bidding process, which has failed to meet international human rights standards and due diligence obligations. Furthermore, while FIFA requires biding countries to provide an independent expertise on the human rights impact of the event, AS&H Clifford Chance which was commissioned for this task accepted to limit its scope as to exclude crucial issues.
Saudi Arabia’s status as the sole contender for the 2034 World Cup raises significant human rights risks, given the country’s well-documented record of violations related to freedom of expression, arbitrary detention, torture, and the exploitation of migrant workers. Despite these well-known concerns, FIFA has failed to conduct adequate human rights due diligence, while as required under its own Human Rights Policy and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
The accelerated timeline for the 2034 bidding process, lack of transparency, and exclusion of key stakeholders from meaningful consultation further highlight FIFA’s disregard for its obligations to uphold human rights in the context of mega-sporting events, suggesting complicity in the Kingdom’s efforts to sportswash its abysmal human rights record.
Alkarama requested that the Working Group on Business and Human Rights, and other concerned mandate holders, take urgent action to address this situation and calls on FIFA to reopen the bidding process for the 2034 World Cup, ensuring that it adheres to international human rights standards and that adequate safeguards are put in place. Should AS&H Clifford Chance be commissioned for an independent impact assessment the firm should be reminded of its obligations under the UNGP as well to provide an effectively independent assessment of the situation.
This report is built on the complaint sent to the Special Procedure and details the claims made by Alkarama to the mandate holders based on Alkarama's documentation of rights violations in Saudi Arabia over the past 20 years, and considering FIFA's obligations under the UNGPs and other international instruments.