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The undersigned Arab human rights organizations condemn US President Donald Trump’s adoption of the policy of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people and his intent to implement this policy by imposing control over the Gaza Strip by armed force. Trump summoned the King of Jordan and the President of Egypt for urgent meetings that will begin next week in Washington DC, with the aim of compelling the two countries to receive about two million new Palestinian refugees.

A report published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has concluded that the pattern of deadly Israeli attacks on Gaza hospitals and their surroundings, along with related combat operations, has pushed the healthcare system to the brink of total collapse. This has had catastrophic effects on Palestinians' access to medical and healthcare services.

Four independent UN human rights rapporteurs have urged the international community to impose sanctions regarding Israel's conduct in the occupied Palestinian territories. They also called for restoring trust in the international justice system by abandoning "double standards and extreme interpretations" in applying the rules governing warfare. 

Our concerns

Although Alkarama’s mandate only covers Member States of the Arab League, we also document human rights violations committed by the Israeli authorities, due to the occupation of Palestine.


  • Massive violations of human rights and international humanitarian law during Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip;
  • Effective annexation and continued occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel and its policy of forced eviction through the demolition of Palestinian homes and the construction of illegal settlements;
  • Use of armed force against demonstrators, including children, by the security forces and acts of violence committed by settlers against Palestinians;
  • Impunity and lack of accountability measures against Israel by the UN Member States, in violation of their obligation to uphold international law;
  • Arbitrary detentions, including the misuse of administrative detention of Palestinian prisoners, many of whom are minors.



Human Rights Instruments
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
ICCPR Ratified ?
ICCPR Ratification Date
Individual Complaint procedure with the Human Rights committee (ICCPR Optional protocol 1) Ratified ?
Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR (abolition of death penalty) ratified ?
Next Human Rights Committee State Report due
OVERDUE - State party did not submit report on time
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (UNCAT)
UNCAT Ratified ?
UNCAT Ratification Date
OPCAT (National Preventive Mechanism) Ratified ?
National Preventive Mechanism (OPCAT) created ?
UNCAT Art 20 (confidential inquiries) ratified ?
UNCAT Art 22 (Individual Complaint procedure) Ratified ?
Next CAT State Report Due
OVERDUE - State party did not submit report on time
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED)
ICPPED Ratified ?
National Human Rights Institution
Accreditation with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)