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Alkarama strongly condemns the deliberate targeting of civilians amid the ongoing Israeli bombardment of densely populated residential areas in Lebanon. At the same time, occupation forces persist in perpetrating acts of genocide in Gaza, systematically erasing entire Palestinian families without facing any form of deterrence.

Alkarama condemns the repressive practices, ongoing harassment, and threats faced by Lebanese human rights lawyer Mohamed Sablouh, warning against any harm to Mr. Sablouh and calling for his protection, as well as the safeguarding of his ability to practice his peaceful legal and human rights work. 

Two prisoners held in Roumieh prison, east of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, died in less than 48 hours due to very poor detention conditions, detainees being denied of minimum necessities of living, Alkarama learnt from its sources. 

The prison in which conditions are further deteriorating is marked by an increasing frequency of deaths and alleged suicides. 

Our concerns
  • Recurrent violations of the fundamental rights and guarantees of individuals arrested by the internal security forces and the armed forces, particularly in cases of counter-terrorism or of criticism towards the authorities;
  • Disproportionate use of force against peaceful demonstrators and reprisals against activists and cyber-activists for any criticism of the government and security services of the country.


Human Rights Instruments
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
ICCPR Ratified ?
ICCPR Ratification Date
Individual Complaint procedure with the Human Rights committee (ICCPR Optional protocol 1) Ratified ?
Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR (abolition of death penalty) ratified ?
Date last Concluding Observations by Human Rights Committee
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (UNCAT)
UNCAT Ratified ?
UNCAT Ratification Date
OPCAT (National Preventive Mechanism) Ratified ?
National Preventive Mechanism (OPCAT) created ?
UNCAT Art 20 (confidential inquiries) ratified ?
UNCAT Art 22 (Individual Complaint procedure) Ratified ?
Date of last Concluding Observations by Committee against Torture (CAT)
Next CAT State Report Due
OVERDUE - State party did not submit report on time
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED)
ICPPED Ratified ?
Human Rights Council
Date last Universal Period Review (UPR)
UPR Next Review
National Human Rights Institution
Accreditation with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)