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In the run-up to the Algerian presidential elections on 7 September 2024, Algeria is experiencing a period of particularly severe repression, marked by a wave of arbitrary arrests of political opponents, pro-democracy activists, journalists, academics and human rights defenders.

This repression, orchestrated by the authorities, constitutes a flagrant violation of Algeria's international human rights obligations, particularly under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Alkarama recently submitted a new communication to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, denouncing the refusal of the Algerian authorities to intervene to protect Sahrawi victims of serious violations committed by Polisario agents in the camps. This time, it concerns Mr Mohamed Salem Malainine Souid, a young Sahrawi of Spanish nationality who was disappeared and tortured by the Polisario with the obvious connivance of the Algerian authorities.

Following the review of Algeria by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRCtte), during which Alkarama highlighted significant issues in its report, the HRC has delivered its conclusions and recommendations today. During a contradictory dialogue held on 4 and 5 July 2018 in Geneva, the Algerian delegation had the opportunity to present the government's viewpoint and respond to questions from the Committee's experts.

Our concerns
  • Serious and persistent violations of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and use of force against demonstrators;
  • Serious and persistent violations of the right to freedom of expression through systematic arrests of individuals critical of the government, including political opponents, human rights defenders and other peaceful activists;
  • Use of torture and ill-treatment against prisoners of opinion in detention, and denial of medical care;
  • Absence of independence of the judiciary.



Human Rights Instruments
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
ICCPR Ratified ?
ICCPR Ratification Date
Individual Complaint procedure with the Human Rights committee (ICCPR Optional protocol 1) Ratified ?
Date of Ratification of ICCPR Optional protocol 1
Second Optional Protocol of ICCPR (abolition of death penalty) ratified ?
Date last Concluding Observations by Human Rights Committee
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (UNCAT)
UNCAT Ratified ?
UNCAT Ratification Date
OPCAT (National Preventive Mechanism) Ratified ?
UNCAT Art 20 (confidential inquiries) ratified ?
UNCAT Art 22 (Individual Complaint procedure) Ratified ?
Date of last Concluding Observations by Committee against Torture (CAT)
Next CAT State Report Due
OVERDUE - State party did not submit report on time
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED)
ICPPED Ratified ?
Human Rights Council
Date last Universal Period Review (UPR)
UPR Next Review
Membership of Human Rights Council:
  • 2006, 2014-2016, 2016, 2023-2025
National Human Rights Institution
Accreditation with the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)