Jordan: Syrian refugee media student at risk of forcible deportation over solidarity with Gaza "Joint statement"

عطية محمد سالم

On the evening of Tuesday, April 9, 2024, Jordanian security forces arrested the Syrian youth, Atiya Mohammed Salim, and his colleague Abdulrahman Al-Sheikh as they were on their way to film a solidarity demonstration with the Palestinian people against the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. This incident occurred in the Rabia area of Amman on the eve of Eid al-Fitr because they were students studying at the Faculty of Media at Yarmouk University in Jordan. Atiya was taken to the Shmeisani Security Center. 

Atiya is a Syrian national who has been residing in Jordan for 12 years after seeking refuge from Syria. In addition to his studies, he works independently in the field of film production and visual media. 

As of now, and after six days of his arrest, Atiya has not been brought before the prosecutor or the administrative governor of Amman, and no charges have been filed against him. However, a deportation order has been issued against him by the Jordanian Ministry of Interior. 

During the interrogation, Atiya was forced to unlock and search his phone and was subjected to numerous violations, details of which he informed his lawyer. The threat of deportation and repatriation to Syria was constantly present during the interrogation sessions. 

The right to deport foreigners from Jordanian territory is restricted, and it is unreasonable to deport someone based solely on suspicion. Atiya has not been convicted of any violation of Jordanian laws, and he cannot be deported if there is a risk to his life in the place he would be deported to. 

The National Center for Human Rights and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees have been notified of Atiya's situation. Through the Liberties Committee at the Bar Association, legal action will be taken regarding these violations. Additionally, an appeal has been filed with the Administrative Court to prevent deportation, but the outcome has not been issued yet. 

In addition to the danger of deportation to Atiya's personal life, its repercussions will also have a significant impact on his family. Atiya's mother is suffering from cancer, and he is her eldest son, residing in Jordan, responsible for providing for her and accompanying her during medical appointments and chemotherapy sessions. If the deportation order is implemented, her cancer ordeal will worsen with the loss of her provider! Refoulement The forcible repatriation of Syrian refugees from Jordan to Syria is considered a violation of international law, including the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, even if they are not signatories to them. 


The forcible repatriation of Syrian refugees to their country constitutes a violation of Article 3 of the Convention against Torture, to which Jordan is a party, which absolutely prohibits the expulsion of any person to where they may face the risk of torture. This practice is dangerous as it may put refugees at risk and expose them to violence and persecution in their home country. Such actions constitute a breach of international obligations related to refugee protection. 

We, the undersigned human rights civil society organizations, call on Jordan to reconsider the deportation decision out of respect for human rights standards and adherence to international conventions to which it has acceded and become part of its national legislation. 

The organizations signing this statement are: 

AFD International 

AlKarama - Geneva 

American Center for Justice 

Arab Council Foundation 

Association of Victims of Torture - Geneva 

Daralyaqeen Association 


Freedom Jasmine 

Habaq for Human Rights Training and Development 

Human Rights Solidarity 

International Association of Syrian Jurists 

International Lawyers.Org 

Jordanian people’s declaration for Gaza 

Justice for peace 

Lawyers and doctors for human rights 

Libyan American Alliance 

Local Development Organization 

Missing Persons Families Group 

Mizan Organization for Legal Research and Human Rights 


Peace Research & Security Studies (PRSS) 

Rights Radar for Human Rights 

Salam for Democracy and Human Rights 

SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties 

Sans menotté 

Talsa organization _ Libya 

Tunisian United Network 

Zytouna project